Recently some Americans have been charged with drug trafficking offenses, had their passports confiscated, and been jailed for carrying Benadryl and other OTC drugs with diphenhydramine. The Zambian Drug Enforcement Commission considers this drug a controlled substance. Diphenhydramine, an antihistamine used to treat allergic reactions, that can produ
ce sedative effects and if too much is taken can also cause hallucinations. Needless to say we will leave the Benadryl in Zimbabwe!

A scam that some have experienced in Zambia involves fake "fees" required by a Zambian official. It is recommended that the traveler ask for an official Government of Zambia receipt, which will often led to the fines disappearing.
It is illegal to bring inhalers and allergy/sinus OTC medications that include stimulants like pseudoephedrine and codeine. Some of these drugs like Actifed, Sudafed, and Vicks inhalers can contain pseudoephedrine. Pseuoephedrine is a decongestant that can be broken down and mixed into methamphetamine. So if packing a decongestant look for one that contains phenylephrine instead of pseudoephedrine, like Sudafed PE.

South Africa:
OR Tambo (Joburg) and Cape Town International airports has developed a "baggage pilferage problem." This occurrence is more commonly seen with smaller airlines or with travelers changing flights. It is recommended to use TSA locks and airport plastic wrapping when flying through either airport.
If driving a car in South Africa one should use caution at traffic lights, particularly at night in urban settings like Johannesburg. It is recommended to leave room between your car and the vehicle in front so you can maneuver around if a third car pulls in close behind you. This is a common way hijackers do jobs.
If you do not feel safe at a red traffic light, you may drive through it (illegally) after carefully checking for other vehicles with the right of way. If you receive a fine due to a traffic camera you can sometimes have it waived by writing a letter to the traffic department or court explaining that you crossed safely and on purpose, due to security reasons.
On October 15th, 2008 gunfire was exchanged between the border of Cambodia and Thailand near Preah Vihear temple. Since this dispute has yet to be resolved, the U.S. Embassy recommends citizens to find a different route of travel.
With the chaotic traffic patterns in India, it is a miracle that anyone makes it to their destination. With this being said, the U.S. Embassy states, "If a driver hits a pedestrian or cow, the vehicle and its occupants are at risk of being attacked by passersby. Such attacks pose significant risk of injury or death to the vehicle's occupants... It can thus be unsafe to remain at the scene of an accident and drivers may instead wish to seek out the nearest police station."
A scam preformed all over India, but most prominent around Dehli airport starts with your taxi driver stating he does not know where your destination is, that its full, or has been moved. The driver continues to offer another place or travel agent who can help. It is recommended to use the government-run "prepaid taxis" as the prices are set and the drivers are licensed. If taking a "pre-paid" taxi hold onto your travel voucher until you arrive at your destination, as they require this voucher for payment with their office.
Here are the 10 most popular scams from around the world.
A scam preformed all over India, but most prominent around Dehli airport starts with your taxi driver stating he does not know where your destination is, that its full, or has been moved. The driver continues to offer another place or travel agent who can help. It is recommended to use the government-run "prepaid taxis" as the prices are set and the drivers are licensed. If taking a "pre-paid" taxi hold onto your travel voucher until you arrive at your destination, as they require this voucher for payment with their office.
Here are the 10 most popular scams from around the world.
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