“Anti-Shark cage.”
“Anti-shark cage. You go inside the cage?”
“Cage goes in the water, you go in the water. Shark's in the water. Our shark.” - Jaws

While waiting our turns on deck we learned some fascinating fun facts about these fish. They can reach up to 20 feet in length and weigh in at almost
5,000 lbs! Females are generally larger than males. Males have two penises (as do all male sharks) so they are really lovers not fighters. There are several reasons these apex predators are top fish in the sea. Counter shading has allowed them to blend into their surrounding in such a way that their white bellies go unseen by the animals beneath as they match the penetrating sunlight and their darker tops camouflage with the depths below. They also have an extra sense that enables them to distinguish electromagnetic fields produced by living animals. It is said they can identify up to half a billionth of a volt.
As for the dare to dive with bacon in our wetsuits, we opted for a whole hamburger as our lovely model is demonstrating. It drove the sharks crazy!

As for the dare to dive with bacon in our wetsuits, we opted for a whole hamburger as our lovely model is demonstrating. It drove the sharks crazy!

Sweet!!!! That msut have been exciting. How did the sharks like their hamberger? Burger King of Micky D's?
JILL SAID !!!!!! I thought this activity was a no go because of the weather ! BACON !@#$%...HAMBUGER !@#$... WHAT ??? Are you kidding me! Who's Idea was that? I thought the cute little dares would be to eat a bug or worm in Thialand , not increase you potential of being eatten by the GREAT WHITE SHARKS !!!! I thought the SELF GUIDED SAFARI was scarry much less being a meal with in a meal all cleverly packed in a seal looking suit ! I'm glad you are both safe , and had fun .I think I just aged a year just looking at your blog .LOVE YOU BOTH ! Keep each other safe! MOM
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