What are these people running from? They’re not, they’re running to, the most extreme sports New Zealand has to offer. We hoped there would be no extreme eliminations. Adrenalin Junkies unite!

So starting from highest to lowest we began our day with a 12,000 ft skydive. We geared up in our sexy jump suits and harness’s and boarded our matchbox with wings as it climbed to the appropriate elevation. Not really nervous but more excited our pulses quickened as the door opened and our jumpmasters hurled us out into the sky for a 40 second freefall. At 5,000 ft, chutes deployed and we sailed the rest of the way down with a view of lake Taupo and white capped mountains. It was amazing and we had to refrain from screaming “Again, Again!” once we landed.
Next, was our 43 m bungee jumping! After getting our leg straps secured we hopped aboard the crane and one by one reluctantly threw ourselves off. Not as fun as skydiving, and a little bit scarier, but being invented here we couldn’t pass it up and now we can check it off our list.

Once the blood return to the rest of our bodies, we ended the day with some Zorbing. Zorbing was also created in New Zealand so a must do. In a nut shell, a Zorb is a giant hamster ball and you’re the hamster. You jump into the little entrance of the bubble, add a little water, and start rolling yourself down a hill.

We had our extreme day and lived to tell about it! Now for a nap.
Don’t…. get…. eliminated!
WOW!!!!! I will have to block this one from MOM's computer.
Wow is right and I will have to block this one from mom as well. Love the sky diving. It definitly a unique feeling. At airborne school they said it was the best feeling you can have with your pants on. :)
Holy COW!! you guys are cool....
OH MY GOD !!!!!!! Daddy said there was a new posting ----The sky diving was rough to watch --- but the bungee jumping video actually caused a wave of nausea and light headiness !! Probably the same feeling you had when you jumped! I backed away from the computer and said " I DON'T LIKE IT !!!!!!!!!" The Ball thing looks fun but did it make you dizzy? I'm glad you and Jason survived and did not get eliminated :)
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