Wednesday, July 22, 2009

When Good Trees Go Bad!

Its 6:00am and the alarm on the watch is going off as we stagger out of bed to get ready for our day trip to Freiburg, "The gateway to the Black Forest." Once on the train again we pass out and rested for our hike around the city and the trails in the country side. In Freiburg we discover some more scenic areas like Titisee (hehehe...) and Feldberg - Barental, so we make a run for the train and board just in time to watch the station disappear.

Titisee is small and charming, yet still with that touristy feel, as we walk past the stales selling cuckoo clocks, witches, and kirsche wasser. We find the lake and Westweg trails that led into the Black Forest and cant help but feel somewhere in between Swan Lake and Hansel and Grettel. With mystical inspiration we set out to find some gnomes and fairies frolicking in the forest. The path is quiet and looming with towering pines as a few other hikers pass us by. It was all so serene until I was assaulted and sapped by a tree. Trying for that perfect shot as I used a tree for balance I emerged a much stickier person. My hands and arms were covered in syrupy sap. They say the Black Forest got its name because it was impenetrable to light, but I think it is just evil!

We followed the Westweg trail along the lake back to the city and enjoyed a piece of Blackforest Cake, though my Dad's is still better. We admired some of the shops and then caught the rail to Feldberg - Barental, one of the highest peaks in Deutschland. We headed for the highest hill and can say we were delightfully pleased with our selection. It was secluded with a few old style German homes. The view was amazing with Titisee in the distance and tall pines all around. Jason, attempting to be romantic, picked me a flower. It was very sweet until I noticed the monstrosity of a spider residing on the petals! With a fear of spiders I screamed like a little girl, and Jason couldn't stop laughing as my cries echoed into the mountain side! It's the thought that counts I guess!

After being attacked by giant black forest trees and close calls with a killer spider we decided to head back to Freiburg. We walked around the city, which looked a lot like Heidelberg, trying to find the hill which permitted a panoramic view of the city. Pooped and finding no such hill we high tailed it back to the train station just in time to board the train as it pulled into the station. Back at the hotel sweet dreams of gingerbread houses and Tchaikovsky played in our heads!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi Jen and Jason,According to Jackie the stuff on the trees is "ZAP " and yes it is quite evil when it comes to it 's removal.I believe a special dance is required something akin to Jason's bee/chicken dance,but with abit more upper body movement!