Saturday, October 31, 2009

“The Great Firewall of China”

Falling behind the censored boundaries of China, it's become a little more difficult to keep up with the outside world. The Chinese government filters the internet, blocking content it deems inappropriate, however, it seems to focus mostly on preventing negative political comments. Unfortunately for us, this also includes Blogger, Facebook, Youtube and many other websites that in some way involve China, so we apologize to those we have not responded to, but we do still get your email and comments! We have a temporary work around for posting blogs to blogger, so there may be some formatting issues. Please let us know if the pictures do not load on the blog.


Unknown said...


They load but come up slowly. The work around works OK for now.

Mrs. lil Jason said...
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Mrs. lil Jason said...

The pictures loaded fine (a little slower than normal) but I can't click on them to zoom in like I normally do. The pictures still look really neat!! It's crazy how big Hong Kong is.

This is Take 2- I didn't proof-read the first time, so it didn't make much sense.